After a near-miss of my flight due to a predilection for Auntie Anne's pretzels, I am home in Miami, taking a long layover before my trip to Jamaica tomorrow. Although the tropical growing season is backwards from that of the Northern hemisphere, it does have its advantages: tomatoes and strawberries in January for example and lychees and mangoes in May/June. My parents had harvested the lychees from our backyard tree and spread them out on the kitchen table. One of their friends, Duque (truly a man with a green thumb), had also brought them a big basket of mangoes that I could smell as soon as I walked in the door. If you haven't tried a sun-ripened mango yet, I strongly urge braving the humidity, the thunderstorms and the mosquitoes to come down to the 305 and try them out. Deeeeelicious!!
I'll try to post while in JA, but I can definitely promise pics upon return!
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